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const assert = require('assert');
const stream = require('stream');
const Handler = require('../Handler');
const Writer = require('../Writer');
const MeboErrors = require('../MeboErrors');

// symbols used for private members to avoid any potential clashing
// caused by re-implementations
const _stdout = Symbol('stdout');
const _stderr = Symbol('stderr');

 * Command output writer.
 * This writer is used by the output of the cli handler
 * ({@link Cli}).
 * In case the value is an exception then it's treated as
 * {@link CliOutput._errorOutput} otherwise the value is treated as
 * {@link CliOutput._successOutput}.
 * When an action is executed through a handler it can define options for
 * readers and writers via {@link Metadata} support. For instance,
 * you can use it to provide a custom result for a specific handler:
 * ```
 * class MyAction extends Mebo.Action{
 *    // ...
 *    async _perform(data){
 *      // ...
 *    }
 *    async _after(err, value){
 *      // defining a custom result that only affects the web handler
 *      // this call could be done inside of the _perform method. However, we
 *      // are defining it inside of the _after to keep _perform as
 *      // abstract as possible. Since, _after is always called (even during
 *      // an error) after the execution of the action, it provides a way to
 *      // hook and define custom metadata related with the result.
 *      if (!err){
 *          // defining a custom output option
 *          this.setMeta('$cliResult', {
 *              message: 'My custom cli result!',
 *          });
 *      }
 *    }
 *    // ...
 * }
 * ```
 * <h2>Options Summary</h2>
 * Option Name | Description | Default Value
 * --- | --- | :---:
 * result | Overrides the value returned by {@link Writer.value} to an arbitrary \
 * value (only affects the success output) | 
class CliOutput extends Writer{

   * Creates the cli output writer
   * @param {*} value - arbitrary value passed to the writer
   * @param {stream} stdout - stream used as stdout
   * @param {stream} stderr - stream used as stderr
  constructor(value, stdout, stderr){


   * Returns the stream used as stdout
   * @return {stream}
    return this[_stdout];

   * Returns the stream used as stderr
   * @return {stream}
    return this[_stderr];

   * Implements the response for an error value.
   * The error output writes the error message under the stderr.
   * @protected

    process.exitCode = 1;
    const message = super._errorOutput();

    if (this.value() instanceof MeboErrors.Help){

   * Implements the response for a success value.
   * Readable streams are piped to {@link Cli.stdout}, otherwise
   * the value is serialized using json.
   * @protected

    let result = super._successOutput();

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (result === undefined){

    // readable stream
    if (result instanceof stream.Readable){

    // json result
    result = JSON.stringify(result, null, ' ');
    result += '\n';


   * Sets the stdout stream
   * @param {stream} value - stream used as stdout
   * @private
    assert(value instanceof stream, 'Invalid stream type');

    this[_stdout] = value;

   * Sets the stderr stream
   * @param {stream} value - stream used as stderr
   * @private
    assert(value instanceof stream, 'Invalid stream type');

    this[_stderr] = value;

// registering writer
Handler.registerWriter(CliOutput, 'cli');

module.exports = CliOutput;