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const stream = require('stream');
const assert = require('assert');
const TypeCheck = require('js-typecheck');
const debug = require('debug')('Mebo');
const Utils = require('./Utils');
const MeboErrors = require('./MeboErrors');

// symbols used for private members to avoid any potential clashing
// caused by re-implementations
const _options = Symbol('options');
const _value = Symbol('value');

 * A writer is used to output a value through the {@link Handler}.
 * The output is determined by the kind of value that's passed to the writer where
 * exceptions are interpreted as error output otherwise, the value is interpreted
 * as success value. Therefore, new implements are expected to implement both a success
 * ({@link Writer._successOutput}) and error ({@link Writer._errorOutput}) outputs.
 * **Options:** Custom options can be assigned to writers ({@link Writer.setOption}).
 * They are passed from the handler to the writer during the output process
 * ({@link Handler.output}).
 * ```
 * const myHandler = Mebo.Handler.create('someHandler');
 * // setting output options during the output
 * myHandler.output(value, {
 *  someOption: 10,
 * });
 * ```
 * When an action is executed through a handler it can define options for
 * readers and writers via {@link Metadata} support.
 * <h2>Options Summary</h2>
 * Option Name | Description | Default Value
 * --- | --- | :---:
 * convertBufferToReadableStream | Tells if a buffer value should be converted to a \
 * readable stream | 
 * result | Overrides the value returned by {@link Writer.value} to an arbitrary \
 * value (only affects the success output) | 
class Writer{

   * Creates a writer
   * @param {*} value - arbitrary value passed to the writer

    // note: currently reader & writer are completely separated entities that don't
    // have a common parent class (aka HandlerOperation). The reason for
    // that is currently they are so distinctive from each other that the only member in
    // common is the option. In case they start to share more characteristics in common
    // then a base class should be created.

    this[_value] = value;
    this[_options] = new Utils.HierarchicalCollection();

    // default options
    this.setOption('convertBufferToReadableStream', true);

   * Returns an option
   * @param {string} path - path about where the option is localized (the levels
   * must be separated by '.'). In case of an empty string it returns the
   * entire options
   * @param {*} [defaultValue] - default value returned in case a value was
   * not found for the path
   * @return {*}
  option(path, defaultValue=undefined){
    assert(TypeCheck.isString(path), 'path needs to be defined as string');
    return this[_options].query(path, defaultValue);

   * Sets a value under the options
   * @param {string} path - path about where the option should be stored under
   * the options (the levels must be separated by '.')
   * @param {*} value - value that is going to be stored under the collection
   * @param {boolean} [merge=true] - this option is used to decide in case of the
   * last level is already existing under the collection, if the value should be
   * either merged (default) or overridden.
  setOption(path, value, merge=true){
    assert(TypeCheck.isString(path), 'path needs to be defined as string');

    this[_options].insert(path, value, merge);

   * Returns the value that should be serialized ({@link Writer.serialize}) by the writer.
   * @return {*}
    return this[_value];

   * Serializes a writer value ({@link Writer.value}) in case the value is an
   * exception it's serialize as {@link Writer._errorOutput} otherwise it's serialized
   * as {@link Writer._successOutput}.

    if (this.value() instanceof Error){

   * Translates an {@link Error} to a data structure that is later serialized by a writer
   * implementation as output. This method gets triggered when an exception is passed
   * as value by the {@link Handler.output}.
   * By default the contents of the error output are driven by the `err.message`,
   * however if an error contains `err.toJSON` property ({@link ValidationFail.toJSON})
   * then that's used instead of the message.
   * Also, you can avoid specific errors to be handled via output process by defining the member
   * `output` assigned with `false` to the error (for instance ```err.output = false;```). If
   * that is in place the error gets thrown which triggers the event {@link Handler.onErrorDuringOutput}.
   * **Tip:** You can set the env variable `NODE_ENV=development` to get the traceback information
   * included in the error output
   * @return {Object}
   * @protected

    const err = this.value();

    // checking if the error can be handled by the writer
    if (err.output === false){
      throw err;

    // objects with the property 'toJSON' can define a custom representation
    // when they are serialized using json using (otherwise use the error message), reference:
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify
    const result = (TypeCheck.isCallable(err.toJSON)) ? err.toJSON() : err.message;

    // printing the stack-trace information when running in development mode
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && err.stack && !(err instanceof MeboErrors.Help)){

    return result;

   * Translates the success value to a data structure that is later serialized
   * by a handler implementation as output.
   * /todo:
   * This value is either driven by the option 'result' (when defined) or by the
   * value defined at constructor time.
   * All writers shipped with Mebo have support for streams where in case of
   * any readable stream or buffer value are piped to the output,
   * otherwise the result is encoded using JSON (defined per writer bases).
   * Note: any Buffer value passed to this method gets automatically converted to
   * a readable stream (this behavior is driven by the option
   * 'convertBufferToReadableStream').
   * This method is called by {@link Handler.output}.
   * @return {Object|Stream}
   * @protected

    const optionOutput = this.option('result');
    const result = (optionOutput === undefined) ? this.value() : optionOutput;

    // stream output
    if (this.option('convertBufferToReadableStream') && result instanceof Buffer){
      const bufferStream = new stream.PassThrough();

      return bufferStream;

    return result;

module.exports = Writer;