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import Handler from 'mebo/src/Handler.js'
public class | source


Direct Subclass:

Cli, Web

A handler is used to bridge an execution method to Mebo.

The data used to perform the execution of action through a handler (Handler.runAction) is parsed using a reader Reader.

The result of a handler is done through a Writer. Writers are designed to support reporting a success output and an error output as well. The way the result is serialized is determined by the writer implementation (Writer._successOutput, Writer._errorOutput). All writers shipped with Mebo have support for streams where in case of any readable stream or buffer value they are piped to the output, otherwise the result is encoded using JSON.

Both reader and writer can be customized through options that can be either defined through the action's metadata or directly through the handler. If you would like to know more about the available options check out the respective Reader & Writer documentation for the handler implementation you are interested.

Defining options through actions (detailed information can be found at Metadata):

class MyAction extends Mebo.Action{

     // change 'name' for the registration name of the handler you
     // want to define the read options
     this.setMeta('handler.name.readOptions', {
       someReadOption: true

   async _perform(data){
     // ...

   async _after(err, value){

     // change 'name' for the registration name of the handler you
     // want to define the write options
     if (!err){
       // defining the write option inside of the _after to keep _perform as
       // abstract as possible. Since, _after is always called (even during
       // an error) after the execution of the action, it provides a way to
       // hook and define custom metadata related with the result.
       this.setMeta('handler.name.writeOptions', {
           someWriteOption: 10,

Defining options directly through the handler:

// read options
myHandler.runAction('myAction', {
 someReadOption: true,

// write options
myHandler.output(value, {
 someWriteOption: 10,

Handlers are created by their registration name (Handler.register), the creation is done by Handler.create:

// creating a handle based on the handler registration name
const handler = Mebo.Handler.create('myHandler');

// loading the parsed information to the action
handler.runAction('actionName').then((result) => {

   // success output

// error output
}).catch((err) => {

Tip: You can set the env variable NODE_ENV=development to get the traceback information included in the error output.

Tip: In case you want to know the name of the handler from inside of the action you can retrieved this information from the session session().get('handler') (Action.session).

Static Method Summary

Static Public Methods
public static

Removes all listeners connected to the signal emitted through Handler.onErrorDuringOutput.

public static

create(handlerName: string, mask: string, args: ...args): Handler

Creates a handler based on the registered name

public static

get(handlerName: string, handlerMask: string): Handler

Returns the registered handler

public static

grantAction(handlerName: string, actionName: string, args: ...args)

Grants the execution of the action through the handler

public static

Returns a list granted actions for the input handler

public static

Adds a listener to an exception raised during the Handler.output process.

public static

register(handlerClass: Handler, handlerName: string, handlerMask: string)

Register an Handler type to the available handlers

public static

registerReader(readerClass: Reader, handlerName: string, handlerMask: string)

Register a Reader for the handler

public static

registerWriter(writerClass: Writer, handlerName: string, handlerMask: string)

Register a Writer for the handler

public static

registeredHandler(handlerName: string, handlerMask: string): Handler

Returns the registered handler

public static

Returns a list of registered handler makers for the input handler name

public static

Returns a list containing the names of the registered handler types

public static

registeredReader(handlerName: string, handlerMask: string): Reader

Returns the reader registered for the handler

public static

registeredWriter(handlerName: string, handlerMask: string): Writer

Returns the writer registered for the handler

Static Protected Methods
protected static

_grantingAction(handlerName: string, actionName: string, args: ...args)

This method can be re-implemented by derived classes to hook when an Action is granted for a handler (Handler.grantAction)

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

Creates a Handler

Method Summary

Public Methods

meta(path: string, defaultValue: *): *

Returns a value under the handler's metadata.


output(value: *, options: Object, finalizeSession: boolean)

Results a value through the handler.


async runAction(actionName: string, options: Object): *

Executes an action through the handler.


Returns the session


setMeta(path: string, value: *, merge: boolean)

Sets a value to the handler's metadata.

Detailed information about the metadata support can be found at Metadata.


setSession(session: Session)

Associates a Session with the handler.

Protected Methods

_createReader(action: Action, options: Object, additionalArgs: ...additionalArgs): Reader

Creates an instance of a reader for the current handler


_createWriter(value: *, options: Object, additionalArgs: ...additionalArgs): Writer

Creates an instance of a writer for the current handler

Static Public Methods

public static clearErrorDuringOutput() source

Removes all listeners connected to the signal emitted through Handler.onErrorDuringOutput.

public static create(handlerName: string, mask: string, args: ...args): Handler source

Creates a handler based on the registered name

Alternatively this method can be called directly from Mebo as Mebo.Handler.create(...)

Also, the handler name gets included in the session as arbitrary data, it can be retrieved through 'handler'. This name follows the registration pattern where this value is represented in lowercase internally:



handlerName string

registered handler name

mask string
  • optional
  • default: '*'

optional mask that supports a glob syntax used to match a custom registered handler (it allows to have custom handler implementations for specific masks)

args ...args

custom args passed to the constructor during factoring



public static get(handlerName: string, handlerMask: string): Handler source

Returns the registered handler

(it can be also done via Handler.registeredHandler).


handlerName string

registered handler name

handlerMask string
  • optional

optional handler mask



public static grantAction(handlerName: string, actionName: string, args: ...args) source

Grants the execution of the action through the handler


handlerName string

registered name of the handler

actionName string

registered action name

args ...args

custom args passed to Handler._grantingAction

public static grantedActionNames(handlerName: string): Array<string> source

Returns a list granted actions for the input handler


handlerName string

registered handler name



public static onErrorDuringOutput(listener: function) source

Adds a listener to an exception raised during the Handler.output process. It can happen either during the serialization process (Writer.serialize) or during the finalization of the session (Session.finalize). This event passes as argument: error, handlerName and handlerMask.

Currently this event is static to make easy to hook it in your application, if none listener is registered to it then the error is thrown, a stack trace is printed, and the Node.js process exits.

// registering a listener for the error
Mebo.Handler.onErrorDuringOutput((err, handlerName, handlerMask => {


listener function

listener function

public static register(handlerClass: Handler, handlerName: string, handlerMask: string) source

Register an Handler type to the available handlers


handlerClass Handler

handler implementation that will be registered

handlerName string
  • optional

string containing the registration name for the handler. In case of an empty string, the registration is done by using the name of the type (this information is stored in lowercase)

handlerMask string
  • optional
  • default: '*'

optional mask that supports a glob syntax used to match a custom registered handler (it allows to have custom handler implementations for specific masks)

public static registerReader(readerClass: Reader, handlerName: string, handlerMask: string) source

Register a Reader for the handler


readerClass Reader

reader class

handlerName string

registered handler name

handlerMask string
  • optional
  • default: '*'

optional mask that supports a glob syntax used to match a custom registered handler (it allows to have custom handler implementations for specific masks)

public static registerWriter(writerClass: Writer, handlerName: string, handlerMask: string) source

Register a Writer for the handler


writerClass Writer

writer class

handlerName string

registered handler name

handlerMask string
  • optional
  • default: '*'

optional mask that supports a glob syntax used to match a custom registered handler (it allows to have custom handler implementations for specific masks)

public static registeredHandler(handlerName: string, handlerMask: string): Handler source

Returns the registered handler

(it can be also done via Handler.get)


handlerName string

name of the registered handler type

handlerMask string
  • optional
  • default: '*'

optional mask that supports a glob syntax used to match a custom registered handler



public static registeredHandlerMasks(handlerName: string): Array<string> source

Returns a list of registered handler makers for the input handler name


handlerName string

registered handler name



public static registeredHandlerNames(): Array<string> source

Returns a list containing the names of the registered handler types



public static registeredReader(handlerName: string, handlerMask: string): Reader source

Returns the reader registered for the handler


handlerName string

name of the registered handler type

handlerMask string
  • optional
  • default: '*'

optional mask that supports a glob syntax used to match a custom registered handler



public static registeredWriter(handlerName: string, handlerMask: string): Writer source

Returns the writer registered for the handler


handlerName string

name of the registered handler type

handlerMask string
  • optional
  • default: '*'

optional mask that supports a glob syntax used to match a custom registered handler



Static Protected Methods

protected static _grantingAction(handlerName: string, actionName: string, args: ...args) source

This method can be re-implemented by derived classes to hook when an Action is granted for a handler (Handler.grantAction)


handlerName string

registered handler name

actionName string

registered action name

args ...args

custom args passed during Handler.grantAction

Public Constructors

public constructor() source

Creates a Handler

Public Methods

public meta(path: string, defaultValue: *): * source

Returns a value under the handler's metadata.


path string

path about where the value is localized (the levels must be separated by '.'). In case of an empty string it returns the entire metadata. The path can be defined using option vars (Metadata.optionVar).

defaultValue *
  • optional

default value returned in case a value was not found for the path



public output(value: *, options: Object, finalizeSession: boolean) source

Results a value through the handler.

In case the value is an exception then it's treated as Writer._errorOutput otherwise the value is treated as Writer._successOutput.

When an action is executed through the handler (Handler.runAction) it can define writing options that are used by the output. These options are stored under the Handler.metadata where any options passed directly to the output method override them.

If finalizeSession is enabled (default) the Handler.session gets finalized at the end of the output process.

By default the Writer._errorOutput tries to handle the error as output. However you can tell a writer to do not handle specific errors, by doing that the writer will raise the errors instead of trying to handle them. This can be achieved by having output defined as member of the error (error.output = false), further information can be found at the error output documentation (Writer._errorOutput).

In case of any error raised during the output process the handler emits the signal Handler.onErrorDuringOutput.


value *

raw value that should be resulted by the handler

options Object
  • optional

plain object containing options that should be used by the output where each handler implementation contains their own set of options.

finalizeSession boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

tells if it should finalize the session (Session.finalize)

public async runAction(actionName: string, options: Object): * source

Executes an action through the handler.

This process is done by creating an action that loads the information parsed by the Reader.

After the construction of the action it looks for reading options that can be defined as part of the action's metadata (Action.metadata) and when found they are passed to the reader. After the execution of the action it looks again inside of the action's metadata for writing options, which are later used during the output (Handler.output). To know how to define action's metadata for the handler take a look at the initial documentation about the Handler.


actionName string

registered action name that should be executed

options Object

plain object containing the options that is passed to the Reader. for the handler should be fetched.



result of the action

public session(): Session source

Returns the session



public setMeta(path: string, value: *, merge: boolean) source

Sets a value to the handler's metadata.

Detailed information about the metadata support can be found at Metadata.


path string

path about where the value should be stored under the metadata (the levels must be separated by '.'). The path can be defined using option vars (Metadata.optionVar).

value *

value that is going to be stored under the collection

merge boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

this option is used to decide in case of the last level is already existing under the collection, if the value should be either merged (default) or overridden.

public setSession(session: Session) source

Associates a Session with the handler. The session assigned to the handler is cloned during the assignment (Session.clone).


session Session

session object

Protected Methods

protected _createReader(action: Action, options: Object, additionalArgs: ...additionalArgs): Reader source

Creates an instance of a reader for the current handler


action Action

action instance used by the reader to parse the values

options Object

plain object containing the options passed to the reader

additionalArgs ...additionalArgs

additional args passed to the constructor during factoring of the reader (should be used by derived classes)



protected _createWriter(value: *, options: Object, additionalArgs: ...additionalArgs): Writer source

Creates an instance of a writer for the current handler


value *

arbitrary value passed to the writer

options Object

plain object containing the options passed to the writer

additionalArgs ...additionalArgs

additional args passed to the constructor during factoring of the reader (should be used by derived classes)

